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Austin Ramirez to Rejoin HUSCO as Director of Strategic Planning and Business Development
For Immediate Release Contact: Agustin A. Ramirez Austin Ramirez who recently completed his MBA at Stanford’s Graduate School of Business has rejoined HUSCO effective July 1, 2006. At commencement June 16, Austin was recognized as an Arjay Miller Scholar for outstanding academic performance.
The Business Journal: State officials go cheap and lose out
The Business Journal of Milwaukee – by Rich Rovito The state of Wisconsin offered Husco International Inc. $850,000 in financial incentives to put a factory in southwest Wisconsin – far less than the $4.5 million the Waukesha manufacturer will get for opening the plant in Iowa.
Reflections – 20th Anniversary Speech
Friday, December 09, 2005 Anniversaries for me are a time for celebration and recognition, but they are also a time for reflection. So if you would bear with me, I would like to reflect on the past 20 years and what it portends for the future.
Be Bold
Wednesday, June 01, 2005 “Be bold … and mighty forces will come to your aid” is a saying which I discovered years ago which characterizes HUSCO’s strategy relative to risk taking. A key driver to our success is a willingness to take on challenges which others fear to pursue. Our willingness to take extraordinary risks is based on my confidence […]
The Importance of Strategy
Monday, November 01, 2004 Strategy for business is developing an approach to “run a different race” from the competition. The key is to create sustainable competitive advantage. As a private company that competes against much larger public companies, it is crucially important we develop sustainable competitive advantage. I would like to review in this article some strategic initiatives we have […]
Performance Based Organizations
One of the long-term challenges of high performing organizations is to drive creativity, continuous improvement, and cost effectiveness while maintaining and evolving the culture that made the enterprise successful. HUSCO’s past success has come from a clear understanding of its business and what was required to be successful.
A Year to Remember
It is difficult to comprehend the events of the past year. The events of 9/11 shook America in a manner we have never experienced before. The other major attack on our homeland which occurred at Pearl Harbor December 7, 1941 was a devastating loss, but at that time our European Allies were engaged in a shooting war against the Axis […]
Constancy of Purpose
Constancy of Purpose Tuesday, May 01, 2001 Webster defines “mission” as “a specific task with which a person or group is charged.” HUSCO corporate vision and mission has always been establishing global leadership in our served markets, a mission which requires contributions by all HUSCO associates. In this issue of our newsletter I will comment on our corporate vision […]
Global Competition and Expansion
Wednesday, November 01, 2000 Over the past several years, there has been much discussion at HUSCO concerning global competition and HUSCO’s expansion into international markets. The purpose of this article is to discuss these subjects and their impact on our US and UK manufacturing operations.
Goals, Opportunities, and Challenges
Goals, Opportunities, and Challenges As we enter a new year, we are faced with the fastest changing environment that we have ever seen in our customer base and industry. Within a period of approximately six months, we will see three of our major competitors purchased/sold. Read more Tags: challenges, expansion, goals, growth, markets, opportunities, organization